Thursday, August 17, 2006

Like a Clown: Funny or Sad?

Let me ramble for a little bit about tanks and guilds.

Ok so its not a huge secret that 90% or more of the "Main Tanks" in the world are fairly stupid. I dont know why that is, but it just is. If you take any random 10 MT's of 10 random guilds, at least 9 of them will be people too stupid to even hold a 5 minute conversation. Of course there are regular people who choose to pursue the main tank roll too, but those are few and far between. Regardless of what I may think of their guilds, off the top of my head, Kirby of NPU, Psykil of Chaotic Legion, and Vellek of Vagabonds are seemingly some of the more intelligent MT's of the world. That is to say, they dont adopt the "I are da MT. I know everyting. Me always right." philosophy that so many MT's seem to have.

See, I know I should never be the MT for a guild. Its not that I cant play a tank class (I used to play Magank all the time), but that I have an ego that is more than large enough. It certantly doesnt need to be inflated with the "Im the tank" crap. And coincidingly I dont generaly tolerate that from our tanks. When one starts getting that way they find themselves being put down rather quickly. Maybe this is part of the reason Disso has gone through a few tanks, but its working well for us and I dont think we have any regrets.

Then there are guilds.

Some guilds are just brash, blunt, rude, and outspoken to an extreme, like Dissolution. There are quiet guilds you dont hear much from like Fable. There are the show boat guilds like NPU, and then a whole ton of regular guilds that just go about their business, commenting when they see fit.

Now, the one thing I have left out here is the dumbass guild. In the case of a guild that seems to be 90% dumbasses, your only hope is to PRAY that their leader or MT is an at least semi-intelligent person. Should the dumbass guild be paired with a complete retard, you achieve what is known as: Ethereal Legacy.

I have come across some very dumb people playing in this game, but Kalidon takes the cake. Part of the reason may be because he needs to have two people playing him so they dont even know what conversation they tried to have just a couple hours prior.

We have all seen Kalidon's post explaining their uber strategy that he dubbed "Death Coordination". But did you all know that EL publicly denies ever using death coordination and says that Dissolution (me) made it all up? Seriously, I can link you to Kalidon's post 100x over ("RIGHT HERE!") but these people are so dumb, they just dont get it that Kalidon was the one who said it. Honestly, its right there in black and white. You said it, you admited to it, now just hang your heads in shame and maybe it will go away. Making up stuff isnt going to help your cause because we all already know.

And speaking of making up stuff...

Kalidon as posted in that thread cares about his credibility. Any credibility he may have had left has long since been thrown out the window. A lot (ok a majority) of the pointing, laughing, and generally making fun of has come from Dissolution so Kalidon got all mad. To combat the joke he has become he has taken it upon himself to make up lies about Disso and then repeate them until he honestly believes they are true. Last night in the guk.guardians channel he accused of us about 100 different exploits, asked about them, when told it was made up, he asked again about 100 more times. I actually determined that only one of the two people playing Kalidon is literate so one does the typing and the other is supposed to read, but cant so they can never actually understand anything.

Of all the exploits Kalidon made up, I think my favorite had to be how Disso's conjuror (me) pulled Jura'Nata with a pet and ran her off away from the raid to OTHER FLOORS of PPR while the raid killed her adds one at a time and she reset. Besides the obvious on how that is impossible, I wasnt even online when they first killed Jura'Nata. Seriously, I would love to know how from my vacation around chirstmas time I was able to do complex, impossible pulls. But when Kalidon was told this information, he insisted that what he made up happened. Honestly, that has to be the most retarded thing I can think of, making up something and when the key part of your story is discovered to not even have been online sticking to it anyways? The word dense isnt strong enough.

After 90 minutes to 2 hours of his broken record of made up bullshit, I thought I would join in the fun. I made up that Kalidon and EL had to exploit Pedastaly of Sky and the Supernova, and then subsequently repeat it so that Kalidon might get an idea of how insanely stupid he looked. Strangely enough what I thought I had made up ended up being true. It turns out that EL did actually exploit the Supernova and admited to doing so through Crabbok to one of our members. So now Kalidon turned into a burning rage at wich point I continued to spam the channel some more just for a few more laughs while all his guildmates kept talking to each other like the world wide guardian channel cared about what EL's wizard thinks about a wizards dps.

So anyways, to the point here, I just wanted to ask what does everyone think of Kalidon/EL? Are they extremely funny or just plain sad? Are they a true uber guild from the bazaar or just a joke?

At this point, I know that Kalidon keeps dancing for my amusement and I thoroughly enjoy reading his ignorant ass try and form rational thoughts that usually just end up as garbled sentance fragments full of lies he concocted. I sincerely hope that he keeps posting and shouting like he is worth a damn. Speaking of wich, has EL ever world firsted anything? (and no, items that are random drops dont count)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Special rules server (Magank's in the guild as an honor, right...) = joke guild. They should go compete with guilds on other special rules servers, like Havoc.

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There are quiet guilds you dont hear much from like Fable"

I think I actually have more posts on the eq2 boards than the rest of my guild combined.

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everytime an egotistical maintank leaves EQ2 the future seems a little brighter.

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Tunabash is another one who made the guardian look bad...

6:58 PM  

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