Friday, June 23, 2006

If You Can's Stand the Heat, Get out of the Kitchen

Ok time for the first rant. You know what has really been getting on my nerves, and increasingly so over the last month or two? People bailing on guilds and the game in general.

Every week, and at times, every day someone else that has been playing the game for months or even over a year, calls it quits. You see this same sort of bull shit with every expansion, every adventure pack. It is a never ending cycle and I for one, am getting tired of it.

It started with Darathar. You would have your raid force of 24 people and get them all started on the Dragon Language quest. Before you got to Darathar's Island though, you could bank on having 2-4 of those original 24 quit on you as they just werent up to the challenge. You recruit a couple more, you continue working forward and then you get to Darathar. It takes a few wipes, and invariably some one who was present for hours of dieing, testing, and learning misses out on the initial kill. Adios that person. Do they really think we arent going to be coming back to kill the mob again? This kind of selfish behaivor really irks me. You missed out, that sucks but its the way things go. We WILL be back and its partialy your own damn fault for not being online!

Once that issue is resolved, hurray we have our shiny prismatic weapons! Time for another 4-6 people to quit the game claiming that they have conquered and beat eq2. Bull shit. Thanks for leaving everyone hanging assholes. Guess what? The game isnt over. Lady Vox is still up, Lord Nagalik is still up, and Borxx (he was bad ass back then) is still up. We have killed maybe half the content. Nothing is over.

This of course, starts the whole cycle over yet again. Some people arent up to the challenge of these new encounters and bail. Fuck them. Those are your people who will show up again in 4 months claiming how they were so hardcore and stuck out all those attempts on darathar. Fuck em'. Your not welcome here. Then of course, once all the mobs are put on farm status (wich I always thought was a good thing, who wants to spend their nights dieing over and over?) more people quit claiming victory over the game.

Fortunately for those of us who care, this is a dynamic enviroment and it is never too long before some major or earthshattering changes and/or inclusions arrive. In the case of t5, it was Spirits of the Lost and the arrival of Wrath of Fury.

(NOTE - I am leaving out Bloodlines because really only one guild on every server did that, and that was simply to cure the plague and get the mythical item, calling it a day. There wasnt even time for "burnout" to take place.)

Spirits of the Lost was a great inclussion to the game. I heard very little, if any, real complaints about the zone. People were able to tough this one out as the zone was neither too difficult, nor poorly itemized. Even if you could only clear half the zone, you were rewarded nicely. Wrath of Fury was another story. All the farm status contested mobs that were being killed with 3 person bot crews consisting of the late night players were now semi challenging, and in the case of a few, down right hard. It didnt take more than a wipe or two agains Nagalik or The Krathuk to see people again running for the door. These people get absolutely NO respect from me. Congrats, you joined the best guild on your server after they had already mastered the content, told you exactly what to do, where to stand, and gave you a ton of gear they no longer had a use for. You were a real fucking asset to the team, especially when you bailed at the first sight of a challenge.

During this time period, the Splitpaw Saga was also introduced, bringing us Acts of War and Brutal Acts of War. It didnt take many guilds more than a try or two to figure out the inner workings of the Acts of War, allowing them access to BAOW. However; Brutal tended to wear down many guilds, and again, I watched as people quit logging in and ceased to play because the content was "too hard" (cry me a river).

In september, Desert of Flames is released. A mad leveling frenzy ensues to get to the raid content ASAP. But guess what? Due to some recent changes, a majority of the raid content is damn near impossible until a later change corrected many issues. Before this correction could take place though, of course a handful of people need to bail on the guild yet again. Some couldnt handle the pressure of leveling up quickly, and some refused to give the game even a week to balance out their content and would rather just say fuck you to the people in the guild.

DoF did a good job of keeping people logging in. At times it got tired, repetative, and boring, but, and as much as it pains me to say this, the Djinn Master's Prism and Pedastal of Sky did a good job of keeping people logging in. Of course over the hours it took to figure out and execute DMP, a handful of people need to quit because again, it's too hard, boo hoo hoo.

With the arival of Kingdom of Sky, shortly after DMP had started to be cleared, the leveling grind was once again upon us. And once again, people couldnt hack it. Wow, so shocking isnt it? Then we approach the KoS raids. At the start there were a fair (not really good, but fair) amount of contested mobs, a few epic quest lines, and a major goal to be working towards, Deathtoll. Guess what happens though? Farming eye's is boring, the itemization isnt good enough, time for some more people to bail on the guild. As more and more guilds got into deathtoll, more and more people began quitting claiming poor itemization and not enough content.

Seriously, fuck off. Dont you think I realize how shitty some itemization was? Do you think I overlooked the fact that half the week I sit on my thumb looking for something to do? You dont see me bailing on the other 23 people though do you? Get some fucking backbone and tough it out. Im so sorry that i didnt have everything ready for you on a silverplate for you to grab at your leisure.

Thankfully SOE heard our plea's and got to pushing out Lyceum and Halls of Seeing, earlier than expected. Neither of these zones are tremendous, but they do provide some content, enough to keep people relatively busy. Itemization is again a problem, but that whole issue is slowly getting better (and I mean very slowly). But you know what? That doesnt stop anyone from quitting over self inflicted issues. The content is boring, there isnt enough, whaa whaa whaa. I am so fucking tired of it now.

The Fallen Dynasty adventure pack was released recetly. It contains two poorly itemized x2 raid zones (either too good or too shitty), a x4 instance, and a contested mob. The contested mob is supposed to be the meanest SoB in the game (I wouldnt know, they need to fix a despawn on server reset bug so I can tell) and the x4 instance guy is probably a close second. And of course, once again I am dealing with people leaving the guild and screwing over the rest of the people because they arent up to the challenge. They wont commit the time, effort, and repair costs to beating these encounters.

I am fucking tired of this shit. If you cant do a level grind, no matter how boring it is, you do NOT belong in a hardcore raid guild. Do not bother applying to one after you have taken your sweet time getting to the level cap because your nothing but a waste of resources as you bail come the next level increase. If you cant face a challenge and give 110% you do NOT belong in a hardcore raid guild. We arent always going to have all the strats for you. When you leave a lesser guild it shouldnt be because you want to defeat higher end content, it should be because you are capable of defeating higher end content and your efforts to improve the other players and help them learn it with you in your old guild were exhausted. Hardcore raid guilds are not fucking charities, we dont like you, we dont care about you, we only care about the guild. And finally, for those of you who make yourselves bored of the game (yes, boredom is a state of mind) and try and bring other's down to your level beore quitting, FUCK OFF. Get the hell out of my guild. I have no time to deal with your crap and how you want everyone to be as miserable as you make yourself. Roll an alt and do some quests. Go tradeskill. Play a different game during down time. There are tons of things to do other than bitch about how your bored.

This isn't just affecting me and my guild. It happens everywhere. I am a regular viewer of the homepages of different "big time" guilds on various servers. Their rosters are full of people I had never heard of a month prior. They are constantly recruiting new people and in a state of change. It is ridiculous. I am aware that there will always be some turnover, but these are supposed to be hardcore and dedicated guilds comprised of hardcore and dedicated people, not these little bitches that cower at every bump in the road.

Finally, a message to everyone: Guilds rely on all their members. If your just going to get cold feet and run the first time that the world isnt looking like Shangri-La, stay the fuck away and dont bother in the first place.


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