Wednesday, September 20, 2006

EL Strikes Again!

Wow, just when you think Ethereal Legacy has crawled back into their hole, something new and equally retarded involving them rears its head.

In short, multiple people in EL have receive Chel'drak's Tooth. You know, the mythical, ONE PER SERVER item off of Chel'drak. The person who has a second one is not a server transfer and has been with EL since before they killed it the first time.

If you read that thread, Crabbok admits they knew it was wrong and forgot to unequip it for the night to hide it from EQ2player profiles. How pathetic.

This is probably the lamest thing EL has done to date. And, it all goes to show that if SOE would just perma-ban completely stupid people that say and do completely stupid things, a lot less retarded shit would go on.

I sincerely hope the whole guild receives at least a suspension for failing to report this obvious oversight and taking advantage of it. And for Nadia (the person with the extra tooth), she should be banned for good.

And just when I thought the joke was over...


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