Sunday, January 14, 2007

Ok all I keep hearing is crap from Second Dawn, so Im going to make this update. The only replies that wont be deleted must be about Second Dawn of 1 sentance in length and posted in the form that they are below. They must be 100% factualy correct as well.

FACT - Second Dawn World firsted Mayong Mistmoore, Wuoshi, and the Avatar of Valor.

FACT - Second Dawn has been a "top end" raiding guild since the early days of t5 raiding.

FACT - Second Dawn did not beta test the original game, DoF, Bloodlines, Splitpaw, or KoS

FACT - Second Dawn did beta test TFD and EoF as a guild.

FACT - Second Dawn did not world first anything important in the releases they did not beta.

FACT - Second Dawn did test Emerald Halls and the Avatars on beta, as well as post screenshots showing some of them with Mayong.

FACT - Second Dawn only world firsted anything important after beta testing the last two releases.

FACT - Members of Second Dawn do regularily communicate with Developers and other SOE employeee's about various encounters.

FACT - Despite being a guild longer, Second Dawn has a smaller number of important world firsts than the guild Dissolution.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The following you posted are not facts.

FACT - Second Dawn did not beta test the original game, DoF, Bloodlines, Splitpaw, or KoS

FACT - Second Dawn did not world first anything important in the releases they did not beta.

11:24 PM  
Blogger Ishbu said...

How are they not? Phrase the correct fact in the form required for this post :)

12:09 AM  
Blogger Ishbu said...

Wow come on people. I know some of you arent all that bright, but the first paragraph clearly states what replies were being aimed for here.

Save your sad jealousy that I instil in you for the next update or post it elsewhere. I realize some people are hurt by the basic facts but I wanted to broad my horizons and make a factual update here without the regular name calling for once.

I would assume all of you can put your hurt feelings aside for one blog post cant you?

12:08 AM  
Blogger Ishbu said...

The only replies that wont be deleted must be about Second Dawn of 1 sentance in length and posted in the form that they are below. They must be 100% factualy correct as well.

Seriously learn to read. There will be plenty of room for your jealous crying in the next update wich is coming soon (as soon as someone can actually read and makes a correct reply)

If you cant read, dont try replying or at the very least wait till the next update because if it is on this one, it will be gone, only FACT - Second Dawn [something that is a fact]

How hard is that? Evidentally its pretty hard cuz it looks like everything I said is true and those upset people out there have nothing to retort with.

By the way, to that guy that said we fell behind, how so? Everything raid wise that has died in EoF was either killed by dissolution first or dissolution second. We havent come in less than second on anything yet. We didnt beta test and as for broken mobs, might want to check the test notes as SOE agree's with Dissolution saying that Avatar of Valor was bugged/broken and now should be fixed. Proof once again Dissolution = right, Second Dawn = hurt all they can do requires them to beat broken encounters or encounters they beta tested for a month before anyone regular guild could fight them.

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FACT - Second Dawn is lucky with the random number generator.

12:34 PM  

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